Un anno su Bricco Carlo (A year on Bricco Carlo) is the result of a series of walks and excursions up and down the tracks, rocks and meadows of Mount (Bricco) Carlo, a small calcareous relief located in the town of Campomorone, near Genova.

The exhibition, set up in collaboration with Associazione E Prie of Pietralavezzara (Genoa), will be opened on 2 April and it will be on view until 29 May in the Pietralavezzara hut  on the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri.

Copia di Locandina ultimo aggiornamento The poster of the exhibition: Ophrys bertolonii benacensis 

Working on this project I have often “wandered lonely as a cloud”, without  seeing a living soul. But I have realized how inaccurate it is to say so:  in fact I have met a number of living and quivering souls, creatures made of leaves, feathers, petals and wings, scales and barks.

Assisted by some friends attending my courses over the last years, I have drawn up a naturalistic diary illustrating  those wonderful creatures.

Among them, 23 species of wild orchids  deserve a special event:

Mario Calbi and Stefano Marsili will give a lecture presenting their book Le orchidee spontanee della Liguriarecently published  by Il Piviere- Sagep ( 6 May , h20,45).

In alliance with the township of Campomorone, educational workshops with schools will be organized by appointment.




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