Privacy Policy

The holder of the personal data processing

Personal data are processed by the holder, Lucilla Carcano (e-mail:, for as long as it is mandatory to fulfil the scopes for which they were collected.

Types of data processed and methods of treatment

In compliance with Art.13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Code on the protection of personal data), the holder of the treatment would point out that the visit and the consultation of (the Site) does not imply processing users’ personal data but exclusively processing of personal data in anonymous form and in order for the users not to be identified.
Unless otherwise stated, personal data collected in the Site belong only to Cookie category. In the detail, personal data belong to analytical cookies category. Analytical cookies are treated by third party and used anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes, thus the holder of the third party service is not enabled to access disaggregated data to the IP level.
For further information please visit the section of the following page dedicated to the Cookie Policy.
The holder undertakes to adopt adequate data security measures in order to avoid access and the consequent amendment or dissemination of users’ data by unauthorised third parties. For this purpose, the holder declares that only authorised external personnel in charge of the management and the maintenance of the website is allowed (and when necessary, appointed as Responsible for the Treatment on behalf of the holder).
The users can ask for the list of the authorised personnel names at any time.

Aims of the treatment

Data collected anonymously and aggregated by analytical cookies are treated for statistical purposes in order to optimize the navigation experience of the website users. With the exception of the cases foreseen by law or by this privacy policy, personal data will not be disclosed or spread without the consent of the users.

Users’ RIGHT TO ACCESS PERSONAL DATA AND FURTHER RIGHTS in compliance with Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”)

Under Art. 7 of the Privacy Code, at any time, the users are entitled to obtain confirmation as to whether or not their personal data exist or what the source and the content of their personal data are. Moreover, users are entitled to verify the correctness or ask for the integration of their personal data, in addition to their adjustment, updating or deletion by writing an e-mail to, in compliance with applicable laws.

Modification of Privacy Policy

At any time, The holder of the data treatment is entitled to exercise the right to amend this Privacy Policy. The users accept to be bound by these possible amendments and future adjustments, Therefore, they undertake to regularly access this page in order to check the publication of possible amendments.

Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

Cookie are strings of information in the form of a small text that is placed on users’ device when they visit a website in order to save the information of navigation for next visits on that website.
Cookies can be divided into three types:

A. Technical cookies: they allow the website to function correctly, facilitating speed and usability. Technical cookies permit to save information on users that visit certain websites in order to optimize the usage of technical service placed on those websites. Analytical cookies belong to this category.

B. Profiling cookies: they allow to create and monitor user-related profiles and behaviours in order to send and improve dedicated and targeted messages (especially commercial messages).

C. Third-party cookies: usually these cookies are installed on a website but are managed by third parties in order to create user-related profiles, too.

Which cookies we use

The Site uses cookies for a correct functionality of technical service and to improve the experience of navigation for the users, regardless of the devices that they use (pc, smartphone or tablet, etc.). In the detail, this website uses cookies that belong to A Category, especially the analytical cookies with the aim of collecting, in aggregate form, statistical data on how the users visit the website (number of visits, sessions, number of visitors, etc.).
The Site makes use of Google Analytics provided by Google Inc. that uses persistent cookies (they remain stored on the computer hard drive until expiry) and session cookies (they are stored on the computer for purely functional requirements and they are deleted at the end of the session when the browser is closed). Even though this website is supported by a third party, the cookies that are used do not belong to C Category but to A Category since data are collected anonymously and in aggregate form (by IP Anonymization) so that third party services cannot access or store the disaggregated data on their servers to the IP level.
For further information in relation to the service offered by Google Analytics and the procedures to disable cookies, please visit this page.
In compliance with the Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies – 8 May 2014, the Site shall not be required to ask for consent of technical cookies and analytics cookies since they are necessary for provide the requested services.

How disable cookies by the configuration of browser

Open Chrome
Click on the menu on the right-hand side of the browser toolbar
Select “Settings”
Click on “Show advanced settings” at the bottom of the page
In the section “Privacy” click on “Content Settings”
In the section “Cookies”, the settings related to the cookies can be modified as follows:
“Allow local data to be set”/“Keep local data only until you quit your browser”/“Block sites from setting any data”/“Block third-party cookies and site data”/“Manage exceptions for some websites”/ “Remove single cookies or all cookies”
For further information please visit the dedicated page.

Mozilla Firefox
Open Mozilla Firefox
Click on the menu on the right-hand side of the browser toolbar
Select “Options”
Click on the “Privacy” tab on the left-hand side
In the section “Tracking” the settings on cookies can be modified as follows:
“Tell sites that I do not want to be tracked”
From the section “History”:
By clicking on “Use custom settings for history”, set “Accept third-party cookies” to always/from most visited websites/never and choose how long cookies are allowed to be stored “Keep until they expire/until I close Firefox/Ask me every time”
Delete every single cookie stored
For further information please visit the dedicated page.

Internet Explorer
Open Internet Explorer
Click on “Instruments” and choose “Internet options”
Click on the “Privacy” tab and in “Settings” move the slider to the level of privacy that you want to set (up if you want to block all the cookies and down if you want to enable all the cookies)
Move the slider to a position between the top and bottom so you are not blocking or allowing all cookies, in order to select specific websites, then click on “Sites”. In the “Address of website” box, type a website address, and then click “Block” or “Allow”, according to your preferences.
For further information please visit the dedicated page.

Safari 6
Open Safari
Click on Safari, select “Preferences” and click on “Privacy”
Select one of the following options:
To see which are the websites that store cookies or data, click on “Details”
To delete stored cookies and data, click on “Remove all data from websites” or click on “Details”, select one or more websites, then click on “Remove”
To change the way in which cookies and data of websites are blocked, select an option in the section “Block cookies and other data from websites”
To enable cookies temporally, select “temporally”/”never” in the section “Block cookies and other data from websites”
For further information please visit the dedicated page.

Safari iOS – mobile
Open Safari iOS
Open “Settings” and then “Safari”
Click on “Block cookies” and choose “Accept cookies always”/“Accept cookies only from websites that I visit”/“Accept cookies only from this website”/“Block always”. If you use iOS 7 or older versions, choose “Never from third
parties and advertisers” or “Always”.
To delete all the cookies stored by Safari, click on “Settings”, then on “Safari” and click on “Delete all cookies and data”.
For further information please visit the dedicated page.

Open Opera
Click on “Preference”, then on “Advanced” and on “Cookies”
Select one of the following options:
“Accepts all cookies”/“Accept only from the sites I visit”/“Never accept cookies”
For further information please visit the dedicated page.

Under the Art. 122, p. 2 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 and in compliance with the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of the consent for the use of cookies published on Official Journal n. 126, 3 June 2014 and the Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies – 8 May 2014, this is visible in all the pages of website.