... chi e' curioso...

I was born in the Susa Valley (Western Alps) where I experienced the scent of woods and daffodils as well as many other things.
I lived for a long time in Rome where I learned to draw as an illustrator for an advertising agency and went to university. In 1988 I graduated with honours in Biological Sciences. On a trip through England, a friend gave me my first watercolours and a precious book: How to draw plants by Keith West.
I have worked as a scientific and botanical illustrator, collaborating with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Abruzzo National Park, Sapienza University of Rome and many publishers.
Since 1994 I have been living in Liguria. The natural scenarios changed, but I never stopped drawing plants.
My watercolours have been shown in Italy, England, Australia and the United States. Some of them are in important collections such as the Hannarie Wenhold Botanical Art Gallery in South Africathe Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation in Pittsburgh (PA), the Lindley Library in London, the New York State Museum in Albany (NY), the Museo della Grafica in Pisa . Many of my works belong to private collections.
I have been honored to receive a number of prestigious awards in international competitions such as a gold medal from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), a Best in Show Award in Birmingham (2006) and a Purchase by Focus on Nature (FON) in Albany (2008).
I am a member of  Aipan (the Italian Association of Wildlife Artists), the American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA) and Studio Arti Floreali. 

In 2021 I have been invited to take part in the Grootbos Florilegium. See the story of the project.

I have been teaching Scientific Illustration at the Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti in Genova.

I am represented by Forum Botanische Kunst.


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